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  • 16 Steps
Painting of Purple Eggplant in Blue Bowl


Wow! Congratulations! Learn to paint a beautifully composed and unusual view of a basket of Eggplants. Create good compositions from using the Golden Mean concept, also known as the rule of thirds. Notice that this painting has a wonderful combination of a color triad, Orange, Purple and Green. One of my favorite Triads! You’ve just made a very exciting decision in joining me in these painting workshops. Creating colorful magic through acrylic painting is a lifetime journey of joy, creativity, and growth as an artist. You will discover potential you never knew you had in you! How to use your painting videos: When you click on a link to a video, the video will pop up in your internet browser. From there, you can easily play, pause, and rewatch. I have been very thorough and hopefully clear to help you through your journey. Start and stop your videos at any place, rewind and watch again as many times as you need to. When you have completed the stage and feel ready for the next step, just hit play on the video and follow along again. Let’s get started!

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